Emeritus Faculty
Bruce Eldridge
Dr. Eldridge’s career in medical entomology has spanned 50+ years with honors including the Harry Hoogstraal Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Entomology; honorary Fellow of the Entomological Society of America and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Medal of Honor from the American Mosquito Control Association; Meritorious Service Award from the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California; and the John V. Osmun Alumni Professional Achievement Award from Purdue University. Dr. Eldridge retired from a 21-year military career in 1978, then chaired the Department of Entomology at Oregon State University, Corvallis, from 1978 to 1986 before accepting the directorship of the UC Mosquito Research Program. As the UC MRP Director, he helped to broker the move of the Arbovirus Research Unit from the School of Public Health at Berkeley to the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis, thereby founding the Center for Vector-borne Diseases (CVEC) in 1996. He retired from the UCD Department of Entomology in 2000, having pioneered research on overwintering Culex pipiens mosquito and St. Louis encephalitis virus, culminating in 150+ publications with numerous doctoral and postdoctoral trainees as well as other young scientists. He continues to work on campus with vector-borne disease and surveillance projects.
Michael Parella
The Parrella lab is focused on developing and implementing IPM strategies with an emphasis on biological control of insect pests for the Environmental Horticulture industry. This includes floriculture, nursery and bedding production operations and landscape plants in the urban environment. Research interests include major pests such as western flower thrips, silverleaf and greenhouse whiteflies, Liriomyza leafminers, green peach and melon aphids, psyllids, and spider mites. We focus on understanding the relationship of the pest to the crop – including its unique production practices – to the environment and to its natural enemies.
Bill Reisen
Dr. Bill Reisen retired after 45 years of research, service and training in medical entomology with the US Air Force, University of Maryland School of Medicine, UC Berkeley School of Public Health and the Center for Vectorborne Diseases at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. He served as Directors of the Arbovirus Field Station in Bakersfield [1980-2013] and the Center for Vectorborne Diseases [2009-2014]. His research focused on understanding the basic ecology, epidemiology and control of mosquitoes and the pathogens they transmit including malaria and several arboviruses, including West Nile virus. Working closely with the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California and the California Department of Public Health, he was instrumental in molding the California arbovirus surveillance diagnostics, data management and reporting statewide into an effective decision support system for intervention. In recognition of his contributions to research, service and graduate training, he was awarded Lifetime Award for Achievement in Medical Entomology and Distinguished Service Award by the Society for Vector Ecology; Fellow, Entomological Society of America; Academic Federation Award for Excellence in Research, University of California, Davis; John N. Belkin Award for Excellence in Vector Ecology, American Mosquito Control Association; Harry Hoogstraal Medal, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; and the Meritorious Service Award, Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. He has served as Co-editor, Subject Editor and Editor-in-Charge of the Journal of Medical Entomology [1988 – present].
Tom Scott
Jeff Stott
Jeffrey Stott's laboratory is pursing the study of epizootic bovine abortion, commonly known as foothill abortion; the efforts are collaborative and include the Department of Animal Science, University of Nevada-Reno and the CA Cattlemen's Association. This is a comprehensive program focusing on the tick vector (Ornithodoros coriaceus), the bacterial causative agent (tentative name: Pajaroellobacter abortibovis), disease pathogenesis and vaccine development.
Bob Washino
Dr. Washino served as a medical entomologist in the Department of Entomology at UC Davis from 1964-1994. His research was focused on mosquito biology in relation to vector-borne diseases, on which he published nearly 200 papers and abstracts with funding from national and international agencies. He co-authored the Mosquitoes of California and contributed significant effort to teaching in both Parasitology and Medical Entomology. Dr. Washino served as President of the American Mosquito Control Association and the California Mosquito and Vector Control Association, was active in the Entomological Society of America and the WHO, and served for many years as a representative to the Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District Board. In 2005, Dr. Washino was awarded the Harry Hoogstraal Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Entomology by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Dr. Washino served as Chair of the Department of Entomology for seven years and Associate Dean in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from 1990-1993. After retiring in 1994, he was recalled to the Dean’s Office and served as Co-Director of CVEC with Dr. James McLaughlin as well as a second term as Department Chair.
Tom Zavortink
Dr. Zavortink is an internationally recognized expert in the systematics and biology of mosquitoes. His research career has spanned a period of 50 years, with particular emphases on tropical and treehole-breeding mosquitoes, and he is one of only a few people in the United States skilled in identifying exotic mosquito species. He has a subgenus of African Aedes mosquitoes named for him (Zavortinkius). Dr. Zavortink has received several awards for his work, including the international John N. Belkin Award for advancements in mosquito systematics. At present, Dr. Zavortink is a research associate at the UC Davis Bohart Museum of Entomology, which houses one of the four largest collections of mosquitoes in the world, and he is Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University of San Francisco.